How People In Congo Transport Dead Bodies To And From From The Morgue (Photos)

 See How People In Congo Transport Dead Bodies To And From From The Morgue (Photos)

Over 200 ethnic groups make up the population of the DRC, and approximately 250 languages and dialects are spoken there. The capital, Kinshasa, is home to the second-largest French-speaking population in the world.

The Congolese have experienced more than 20 years of armed warfare, which has resulted in nearly 5.4 million deaths from war-related causes, making it the worst conflict since World War II.

Motorcycles are frequently used in some regions of the DR Congo to transport bodies to and from mortuaries. The dead are bound with cloths by riders sitting behind them. Most African traditions hold dead people in such awe and regard. So that their spirits won't follow them, they honour them by providing them a dignified funeral.

The purpose of the rite of passage is to honour the memory of a person who has passed away. Many people invest a lot of money in lavish funerals rather than obtaining high-quality medical care.

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