Muammar Gaddafi Bitter words Against Americans in 2011, Before He was killed

Muammar Gaddafi Bitter words Against Americans in 2011, Before He was killed

Gaddafi (2011): "I am up against a huge military force. Obama, who used to be my ally, wants to destroy our country's freedom and independence. He wants to replace our free housing, medicine, education, and food with American style capitalism.

But people in the Third World understand what that really means. It means that corporations will control the world and the people will suffer. I have no choice but to resist, and if it is Allah's will, I will die defending the path that has brought prosperity to our country.

I don't want to die, but I am willing to sacrifice myself for my land, my people, and my children. This is my message to the world: I have stood against NATO's crusade, their cruelty, their betrayal, and their colonialism.


They label me as "mad," "crazy," but they are lying. They know that our land is free and sovereign, that my vision is clear and for the benefit of my people, and that I will fight to the end to protect our freedom.

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