Meet a Zimbabwean town named after Shaka Zulu's capital

Malusi Gigaba's birthplace, Kwa Bulawayo, was an early Zulu capital and Shaka Zulu's royal enclosure. It has a box for a few kilometers, a large central parade ground and perhaps 1,500 huts.

 From there you can see the picturesque Mhlatuze valley. Literally translated, "Kwa Bulawayo" refers to the killing fields. During his reign, King Shaka built the estate Kwa Gibixhegu. Shaka fought 2,000 Ndwandis who had returned from cattle-stealing and another 500 who had fled from the fighting at Gqokli on the outskirts of Kwa-Bulawayo. Mzilikazi's grandfather Zwide was killed by Shaka.

When he fled from the Transvaal to Zimbabwe to escape the Boers, he named the capital after Kuabravajo. Originally it was also called "Gibixhegu".


Mzilikazi served in the army as Shaka's lieutenant and adviser. He appears to have served the Zulu kingdom from 1815 to 1823, a period known as Difaqane/Mfecane, when he and Shaka realized that they had created two different regimes, a "chaotic" or "scattered" "period".
They divorced in 1823 out of mutual respect and admiration. Shaka provided Mzilikazi with cattle and soldiers because he believed that Mzilikazi had done a great job for the Zulus.

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