Marry five wives or face jail

The King of Swaziland,  King Mswati III made this declaration on June 2019, men will be required to marry at least five wives or go to jail. 

A statement by the King called for all men in the country to marry at least five wives,  assuring the men that government would pay for the marriage ceremonies and buy houses for them.

"Here's" the deal, marry at least five wives and you are assured that the government will pay for the marriage ceremonies and buy a house for you.

The order, according to IHarare, is to ensure all women gets a husband as it is believed that men taking more wives will help women to get husbands. 

The monarch noted that there are more women than men in Swaziland which he noted was a very serious problem for the country known to be full of virgins. 

Report say that the decision also came  following the increasing number of virgins and scarcity of men in the country. 

King Mswati himself has fifteen wives and two five children,  his father and predecessor had more than seventy wives and over  one hundreds and fifty children .

Men ordered to marry more than two wives or risk jail.

The dream of most women is to meet the man of their dreams and ride off into the sunset, to have a happily ever with no interference but for the women of Swaziland,  they may have to share their dream man with another woman or women as the case may be. 

Eswatini, officially Kingdom of Eswatini,Swati Umbuso weSwatini, previously called Kingdom of Swaziland,  landlocked country in the eastern flank of South Africa,  where it adjoins Mozambique.  It extends about hundreds miles (175 km) from north to south and about eighty miles ( 130 km)

from west to east at its largest dimensions. 

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