Top Ten African Countries With The Most Debt Owed To China

Here are some of the African countries that heavily owe chine

1. Angola:

It is the most indebted African country, as per the africa insider, with an estimated debt of $25 billion (about Sh2.5 trillion).

2. Ethiopia:

 The Eastern Africa country comes in a distant second on the list, with a reported $13.5 billion debt. Most of this debt was used to fund infrastructure projects.

3. Kenya: 

Kenya is third with about $7.9 billion (about Sh800 billion).

4. Republic Of Congo: 

Next is Republic Of Congo with a $7.5 billion(Sh750 billion) bill. It is reported that corruption has played a major role in the escalation of the debt to such engregious level.

5. Sudan:
Makes to the list in fifth place. The conflict torn country has an estimate of over $6.4billion(Sh640 billion).

6. Zambia: 

Just like kenya, China has Sponsored a lot of projects in the landlocked country which has left it with a whopping $6.5 billion (Sh650 billion).

7. Cameroon: 
The West Africa  Nation's $5.5billion (Sh550 billion) bill places it 7th on the list it was however recently revealed that China was in talks to cancel part of the debt.

8. Nigeria:
 Nigeria owes China $4.8billion(Sh480 billion)
with the ties between the two countries so deep the African nation has accepted the chinese yuan as a reserve currency .

9. Ghana:
It's debt to ghazi sits at $3.5billion (about Sh350 billion)

10. The Democratic Republic Of Congo:
Completes the top ten list of countries that owe China at $3.4billion(Sh340 billion), China has reportedly asked for precious natural resources and minerals in Exchange of case.
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